I Dreamt About

Khanh Tran
Abstract digital illustration in oranges, blues and greens. The sun shines down on a sunbathing figure in water and a figure looking up from a balcony, with palm trees and cacti surrounding them.
I Dreamt About the Sun
Digital illustration in warm colours with blue details, depicting greenery and abstract shapes.
I Dreamt About the Trees
Digital illustration in reds and blues depicting abstract shapes.
I Dreamt About What Once Was

Artist’s statement:

To me, winter is the season of reminiscing over sunnier days and summer trips with my family. It is now winter in the middle of the pandemic. I am far away from home. I have never been this homesick before. It is times like these that remind me of trips to sunny lands, walking on hot sand, and breathing in the cool ocean breeze. When the weather turns cold, I daydream about the laughter and warmth of my mother and father.

I Dreamt About consists of three illustrations that visualise these heartwarming memories. They started out as sketches I made when I felt homesick, then my friend Alex coloured them. As a result of this collaboration, this trio series was created.

Khanh Tran is a Vietnamese artist who’s currently based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She is born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City a complex place that shifts, morphs and grows with each passing year, the new rising and the old falling away to an increasing sense of hustle and urgency. In contrast, Rotterdam stands as a city that has gone through change and now holds a calm, easy-going atmosphere, its residents at ease with modernity. Their differences aside, both cities undergo shared struggles. Climate change, inequality and racism, and issues of gender still profoundly influence her life and the lives of countless others. Her art touches on these issues, that are rooted in the where and who she is. Through Khanh’s work, she hopes to convey a sense of belonging, familiarity and home. She can be found on Instagram (@ikhanhart), or on her website (www.khanhtdm.com).

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